Transport & Infrastructure

Example Projects

  • Al Rashid Maintenance Depot, Dubai, UAE

    This is the main maintenance depot facility for the Dubai Metro. It comprises of 24 buildings and the main Operational Control Center for the entire metro network. The main depot at Rashidiya has a parking area able to house 64 trains.

    One Zone undertook the MEPF design for all the buildings and the site infrastructure including electrical distribution, lighting and security. In addition, One Zone carried out the structural design for all site infrastructure works including track slabs, equipment bases, cable tunnels, site roads and compounds.

  • Midfield Airport Concourse - Hong Kong, SAR

    The phase 1 Midfield project at Hong Kong International Airport includes the construction of a five-level Midfield Concourse with total floor area of 78,000 sqm and over 35 green features; 20 aircraft parking stands; an Automated People Mover (APM) extending from Terminal 1; a cross-field taxiway; and other supporting facilities.

    One Zone as part of a tendering contractor, provided coordinated 3D models of the main terminal building structures as well as the full architectural, structural and MEPF model of the main chiller building.

  • Riyadh Metro, Shallow Underground Stations, KSA

    One Zone prepared the concept and detail design drawings and calculations for two shallow stations in the Line 4 of Riyadh Metro Project. The Drawing and calculations included a full package of mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire protection, builders work, combined services drawings, plant delivery routes, utility connection plans and all other associated design works related to the stations. One Zone attended the site wide discussions with Main Consultant, the Architect, Structural Engineer, and Main Contractor.

    One Zone were responsible for incorporation of the design review comments from the Owner’s Engineer, Third Party Reviewer and Main Contractor.

    Upon successful completion of the project One Zone were further involved in the variation orders which were required after completion of the design phase. Subsequently, One Zone was involved in the review and approval of all Contractor’s shop drawings during the construction phase of the project.