Privacy policy.


One Zone Privacy Policy

This Privacy Notice applies to all Personal Data that One Zone Asia Philippines, Inc., and any other affiliated companies of One Zone (referred to throughout as “One Zone”) and any websites or equivalent internet resources may generally collect, process and store about you. By providing your Personal Data to One Zone, you expressly acknowledge that you have read and understood this Privacy Notice. The privacy and security of the Personal Data collected from you is a priority to One Zone. It is also important to us that you understand how we handle this data.


Data Privacy is built into everything we do. Our data privacy principles apply to everything we do, no matter where we do it. To this end: One Zone takes responsibility for the Personal Data we hold and process; Personal Data of individuals is always protected, secure and kept confidential; Personal Data is collected only where necessary for legal, regulatory and business purposes and only used for the purposes it was collected for; Personal Data is collected and processed fairly, lawfully, transparently and in accordance with our Code of Conduct and Data Privacy Compliance Policy; Processing of Personal Data is documented and assessed at the outset to ensure there is the minimum privacy risk and impact to individuals; Personal Data is only kept for as long as is necessary to achieve the original processing purpose or to satisfy our legal and regulatory obligations. This policy sets out the basis on which any Personal Data we collect from you, or that you provide to us, will be processed by us. For the purposes of any Data Protection legislation, the Data Controller is One Zone.


Our processing of Personal Data is aimed purely to allow us to respond to your requests (such as for us to contact you, or to send you data) and is based on the following legal grounds: LEGAL BASIS: EXAMPLE Performance of a contract: Where we enter into a contract for the provision of products or services, we may need to collect and process your personal data so that we can meet our contractual obligations. This also applies to any pre-contract activity, such as providing a quote or details regarding the products or services that you have expressed an interest in Regulatory and legal obligations: We may collect and process Personal Data to comply with our regulatory or legal obligations. For example, where we are legally obliged to keep records of sales and any associated tax records. Legitimate commercial interests: We may process Personal Data where such processing is necessary to pursue our legitimate commercial interests, such as operating our business and defending legal claims. Consent: Where we rely specifically on consent to collect and process non-mandatory Personal Data, you are not obliged to provide your consent for the use of your Personal Data and you may subsequently withdraw your consent once it has been provided. It should be noted however that this may limit your experience with our resources and services.


Every individual has the following rights in relation to the processing of their Personal Data by One Zone: The right to access and inspect their Personal Data or be provided with a permanent copy of the data being held about them. The right to request the correction of any inaccuracies in their Personal Data or where the accuracy of data is disputed, to add additional data to give notice that they dispute the accuracy of the data content. The right to request the erasure of their Personal Data, particularly where the continued processing of the data is no longer necessary. The right to object to the processing of their Personal Data, particularly where there are no longer sufficient legitimate grounds for One Zone to continue processing the data. The right to restrict processing, data portability and the right to appeal any automated decision making or profiling. The right to complain to a Data Protection Regulator about One Zone’s processing of Personal Data. It is important to note that the rights set out above are not unconditional and the specific circumstances of the processing being undertaken by One Zone will determine if these rights may be exercised. Further information concerning these rights and their application can be obtained from One Zone by request.


We will hold and process any personal data which you provide via the site or by submitting emails and/or online forms, for our own internal business purposes, including lawful purposes relating to recruitment where data is sent by you via the recruitment part of the site. Examples of Personal Data we may collect from you include, but is not limited to: • First Name and Surname • Contact telephone number(s) • Contact email address • Home or Office Address • Job Title • Your Organisation details • Professional Qualifications In addition to the data you submit to us via the site, we may collect data about visits to the site. We collect data on the page browser access. This is used within One Zone to improve the design and layout of our sites. We gather data on the relative popularity of each page, the average number of pages accessed by visitors, the number of emails sent or files downloaded, and the average time spent on the site. None of this data is linked back to you as an individual. For details of how we use Cookies and any Website Analytics, please see below.


The data that we collect from you will be transferred to, and stored at, a destination outside the European Economic Area ("EEA"). It will also be processed by staff operating outside the EEA who work for us or for one of our suppliers. By submitting your personal data, you agree to this transfer, storing or processing. We will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this privacy notice. All data you provide to us is stored on our secure servers. Unfortunately, the transmission of data via the internet is not completely secure. Although we will do our best to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee the security of your data transmitted to our site; any transmission is at your own risk. Once we have received your data, we will use strict procedures and security features to try to prevent unauthorised access.


One Zone have implemented appropriate security measures to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of Personal Data. We employ organisational and technical security measures, including password protection, encryption, physical locks, etc., to protect Personal Data and to ensure it is processed appropriately, consistently and in accordance with applicable data privacy laws and regulations. Where we have given you (or where you have chosen) a password which enables you to access certain parts of our site, you are responsible for keeping this password confidential. We ask you not to share a password with anyone. If you are authorized to have access to the Personal Data of others, it is important that you take appropriate safeguards to protect this Personal Data. One Zone monitors Internet traffic to detect access to inappropriate websites or other materials. One Zone also uses email filters to block spam and computer viruses. It is possible that some legitimate email messages and websites may be blocked or hindered by these filters.


We do not pass on or sell online personal data to third parties. We may however share data within our organisation and in some cases, it will be necessary to pass data to our insurance or share administrators. This may include our employees, agents, contractors and sub-contractors. Please note that by sending your personal data to us you are consenting to the processing and transfer of such data in this way.


We retain appropriate records of Personal Data for Regulatory, Legal and Contract administration purposes. We only keep Personal Data for as long as necessary for the purpose or purposes it was collected for. Records are retained for a predefined retention period that may extend beyond a contract with One Zone. Personal Data is retained to comply with other legal and contractual obligations and requirements such as Health and Safety. Where required, further information concerning our records retention policy can be obtained from One Zone by request via the contact details below.


We may transfer Personal Data, for the processing purposes outlined in this Privacy Notice, to any other companies within One Zone or to Third Parties who process data on our behalf under our instruction. One Zone and relevant Data Processors may operate globally across Europe, the Middle East, Asia Pacific, North America and Africa and may also set up establishments in other regions. We therefore reserve the right to transfer and process Personal Data on a global and worldwide basis in line with our legal, regulatory and contractual obligations. We will only transfer Personal Data where necessary to operate our business, meet our contractual obligations and comply with our legal and regulatory obligations. We will endeavour to ensure that such transfers of Personal Data comply with all applicable data privacy laws and regulations and provide appropriate protection for the rights and freedoms conferred on all individuals under such laws. There may, however, be instances where for legal or contractual reasons, we are not permitted to transfer Personal Data outside of certain jurisdictions. Where required, further information concerning overseas transfers of Personal Data can be obtained from One Zone by request.


We may provide hyperlinks from the site to websites of third parties. Please note that this privacy statement applies only to the contents of this site and not to those websites to which we may provide a link. If you have questions regarding this privacy notice or, if you believe that any information we are holding on you is incorrect or incomplete, please write to, or email us as soon as possible, at the below address.

We will promptly correct any information found to be incorrect.

By Post

One Zone Asia Philippines, Inc.

Unit 2F-4B Business Center 10, PhilExcel Business Park

M. A. Roxas Hi-Way, Clark Freeport Zone

Angeles City, Pampanga 2023



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