Benefits of Outsourcing

  • Become More Customer Focused

    Freeing up the management time of Associates and Project Engineers by removing the need to supervise and co-ordinate routine production tasks, therefore allowing them to focus on the Client Facing and creative aspect of the design process and spend more time interacting with the design team and the client

  • Efficiently Manage Resources

    Improving resource management and ability to meet deadlines, by using One Zone as both an integral part of the team, and as an additional resource during peak workload periods, instead of paying overtime, hiring contract staff, or using engineers to undertake none core function tasks and in some cases missing delivery dates.

  • Increase Profitability

    By reducing the cost of detailed design engineering and drawing production. Typically, this can reduce drawing production costs by 40-50% and detailed design & engineering costs by 50-60%. Additionally by reducing the CAPEX & overheads associated with the purchase, rental or subscription for hardware & software.

  • Increase Capacity & Flexibility

    By outsourcing the more repetitive tasks, our Clients increase their capacity and flexibility without the associated investment in hardware, software and office space. This ensures that our Clients remain competitive and agile.